Sara and The Super Collies Have Talent
Dreams Do Come True.

We met Sara and Hero early on their incredible journey 5 years ago while auditioning for our Talent Hounds documentary and live events. Sara told me then that she wanted to be on America’s Got Talent one day. Fast forward and I am sitting on the edge of my chair waiting to cheer for her in the Finals tonight.
It was easy to see Sara’s talent and her passion for training, performing, photography and graphic design. She had such drive and was so determined, and she LOVED Hero. He was not even 2 years old but already so well trained and such a special dog. Their bond was amazing.
Hero’s Story
Sara never shied away from a challenge and was always ready to help me on all sorts of projects and events. She would get a friend to drive her down to Toronto from North Bay or jump on the bus if needed. She interned with me while completing her college graphic design course and did great work on the Talent Hounds site. She particularly helped me with training my little rescue pug Kilo with positive reward based methods though and online group, and in person. Her inspiration and support was invaluable and he is a different dog today with lots of cute tricks up his sleeve.
We did a fabulous fashion show at All About Pets then numerous Talent and Trick Competitions and Showcases and Videos and TV segments together.
She appeared on numerous big US TV shows like Letterman and thrived in the spotlight. Sara progressed from competitor to judge and host at Canadian Pet Expo and went on to tour in the US.
Most recently, this summer we worked on travel safety tips – see HERE, blogs and videos for The BackSeat Barkers and Talent Hounds.
America’s Got Talent Auditions
Sara started the summer auditioning for America’s Got Talent but we only saw the dramatic results in August. No surprise to me and most who have met her, she wowed Simon and the audience and made it through.
They delivered this awesome routine below including Loki the Puppy to wow the audience and judges again and make it through to the semi-finals. I admit, there were cheers and tears of happiness in our house.
Loki’s Story
We met Loki just over a year ago for the first time at Canadian Pet Expo as a little puppy. He already had star quality. Look at him go!
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