This uplifting short observational documentary follows 13 year-old animal lover, actress and activist Cailan as she gets her hands dirty and even kayaks 120km, volunteering for Ontario’s largest Rescue and Rehabilitation Facility, Aspen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary. We are so proud to announce that the short teaser is a semi-finalist at the Montreal Film Festival. We …
IBS – A Pain in the Ass
A multi-platform documentary project by Hop To It Productions in collaboration with the Canadian Digestive Health Foundation. IBS: A Pain in the Ass is a multi-platform project about the complex condition called “IBS” (irritable bowel syndrome) that affects millions of millennial women. The symptoms of IBS include abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea and gas which …
Talent Hounds
Talent Hounds One hour award winning documentary Talent Hounds about the history of dogs and how they enrich our lives with their many talents, plus 4 x half hours Rescues Rock, Puppies Rock, Fit Dogs Rock and Dogs Make A Difference. It has also become a digital hub that entertains, inspires, connects and educates dog …
Hip Hop In The T-Dot
Hip Hop In The T-Dot Follow hosts Frank Manzo and Sarah Nation as Sarah goes on a mission to learn the latest dance moves in a six x half hour series featuring 12 x 4 minute classes from some of the top young hip hop dancers in the world. Hip Hop in The T-Dot also …
Suck It Up, Princess
Suck It Up, Princess – the Story of Renee Rodrigues This 1 hour Documentary in English and Portuguese is a powerful exploration of courage and strength. A musically enhanced one hour view into the world of Renee Rodrigues, a 19 year old website designer, moderator, reporter, charity organizer and victim of degenerative congenital muscular dystrophy. …